On Wednesday, I heard something rustling in the grass near the Arboretum’s hickory collection. Turned out to be this garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis), a skinny fellow who was quite afraid of me.
Tag Archives: eastern chipmunk
Posted in Nature
Tagged Arnold Arboretum, asters, bees, Boston, eastern chipmunk, Eurybia divaricata, flies, insects, leafhoppers, maclura pomifera, mammals, Massachusetts, moths, nightshade family, plants, Pterostyrax hispidus, reptiles, snakes, solanum nigrum, trees
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Arboretum: Cup Plants and Caterpillars
I found this white-dotted prominent caterpillar (Nadata gibbosa) crawling across Meadow Road yesterday. A green caterpillar with an opaque, lighter green face, it is covered with white dots. This one had two brown patches on it, perhaps some sort of infection?
Posted in Nature
Tagged american goldfinch, Arnold Arboretum, asters, birds, Boston, Clethra alnifolia, clethra family, eastern chipmunk, insects, legumes, mammals, Massachusetts, moths, oaks, plants, shrubs, Silphium perfoliatum, Styphnolobium japonicum, trees, white-dotted prominent
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Giant Black Beetles at Jamaica Pond
We came across two large black beetles yesterday just off the path around Jamaica Pond. The beetles were possibly engaged in the act of mating. If so, the female beetle was much larger than the male and her orange belly was showing.
Posted in Nature
Tagged American coot, bees, beetles, birds, Boston, Campanula rapunculoides, eastern chipmunk, insects, jamaica plain, jamaica pond, Koelreuteria paniculata, Lythrum salicaria, mallard duck, mammals, Massachusetts, Monotropa uniflora, mulberries, plants, red-eared slider, reptiles, Solanum dulcamara, trees, turtles, white-breasted nuthatch
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A Walk in the Arboretum
I took photos of a wealth of natural life at the Arnold Arboretum yesterday. Among the birds, dragonflies, frogs, and plants, only one of the subjects was accessioned: Wilson’s spiraea (Spiraea wilsonii).
Posted in Nature
Tagged American bullfrog, amphibians, Arnold Arboretum, asters, birds, Boston, butterflies, cedar waxwing, cherries, common pondhawk dragonfly, common ringlet butterfly, common whitetail dragonfly, cynanchum louiseae, damselflies, dogbanes, dragonfl, eastern chipmunk, eastern forktail damselfly, flies, fragaria virginiana, insects, legumes, leucanthemum vulgare, mammals, Massachusetts, plants, prunus sargentii, satellite flies, sawflies, shrubs, spiraea wilsonii, spiraeas, strawberries, trees, trifolium pratense, trifolium repens, twelve-spotted skimmer, vines, white-breasted nuthatch
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