A Walk through Olmsted Park

I took a walk through Olmsted Park yesterday, a piece of the Emerald Necklace within Jamaica Plain. I saw a mother mallard duck with a dozen ducklings in tow.

A mother mallard duck with some of her dozen ducklings
A mother mallard duck with some of her dozen ducklings

Also, a juvenile starling.

Juvenile starling
Juvenile starling

A tree swallow diving above one of the smaller ponds.

Tree swallow in flight
Tree swallow in flight

The wings of a northern flicker look golden-orange in flight.

A northern flicker in flight
A northern flicker in flight

All the pollen collecting in the water leaves it streaked with yellow.

Streaks of pollen on the water's surface
Streaks of pollen on the water’s surface

A number of goat’s beard plants are flowering in the woods. Goat’s beard (Aruncus dioicus) is native to the Eastern U.S., but is thought to have been brought to Massachusetts.

Goat's beard white clusters of white flowers
Goat’s beard

White water-lily (Nymphaea odorata), a native aquatic plant, is in flower on Ward’s Pond.

White water-lily with white flower and green pads
White water-lily

Finally, I saw a common whitetail dragonfly on the shore of Ward’s Pond. This is a male, with its large, pulsating, white abdomen.

Common whitetail dragonfly
Male common whitetail dragonfly
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