I returned to the Arboretum last Thursday to see if I could pick out a few migrating warblers. I was happy to see four species.
First, the American redstart. These birds spend the winter in the region from southern Mexico and the Caribbean to northeastern South America.
Next, the yellow warbler, one I had seen before. Yellow warblers migrate from Central America and northern South America.

The yellow-rumped warbler was also not new to me. They may not go as far to over-winter, staying within the U.S. or going farther south to Central America or the Caribbean.

And, finally, I saw a palm warbler. These are some of the first warblers to reach us here in Boston. In fact, it was rare to see one so late in the season. Most have already left for their breeding grounds in Canada by this point.

Among the other birds I saw were this singing wood thrush.

The great blue heron I saw flying over last time was standing stock-still in one of the ponds near the Rose Garden.

Full list of sightings on e-bird
I found a patch of trilliums on the Oak Path. These trilliums are native wildflowers. The plants have three leaves in a whorled arrangement.

I think that the pink flowers are also white trillium.